Elements and Qualities:
SUN in your chart -- your "stellar" qualities: Sun in Libra THOUGHTFUL SELF-EXPRESSION NOTE: THIS POSITION REQUIRES EXTRA MAINTENANCEEssentially, you're a nice person and tend to be a bit more cultured and "better" than those around you. Usually, you're also diplomatic enough to keep your superiority to yourself. The more that you become fair-minded, impartial and unprejudiced, the happier you become. You have the potential for much social intercourse and favorable public contact. TIP: To really thrive, you need to be part of a loving, committed "marriage."
All things being equal, you prefer civil conversation. You usually do not find reason to raise your voice or to use crude language at inappropriate times. Embarrassment can be an issue for you. You like to ask for advice, but do not like to be told what to do. You can get a cushy job in a swanky environment.
MOON in your chart -- your personal "lunar landscape": Moon in Cancer EMOTIONAL INSTINCTS NOTE: THIS POSITION CONFERS EXTRA POWER.Your emotional life is a driving force of your personality. You are more reflective, placid, receptive, sensitive and sensuous than most people. Your intuition is usually good. Your day to day life is strongly dependent upon your moods. You're touchy and under stress you can withdraw. To cut back on stress and find emotional satisfaction you need goof food, good shelter and good loving. Take long hot baths and add some herbs. In some ways your memory is excellent. You can benefit through collections and collectibles. For better or worse, you have a deep and complex emotional bond with your mother. She can be overwhelming, almost smothering. You come from a long line of strong woman. TIP: Back away from (S)mothering people inappropriately.
You respond to themes of home and country. Study history and see how it applies to your current situation. To earn more money, you need a clearly defined territory. Silver brings you good luck. Your domestic situation is the key ingredient in your emotional life. You have an instinct for cooking and would do well to take a couple cooking classes. Old family recipes could be your thing. Make your date a meal and offer yourself for dessert. Remember the special sauces. It is important that you give support and care to those you love. Share your dreams with special people.
MERCURY in your chart -- your "mercurial" character: Mercury in Virgo HELPFUL CONCEPTS.Have you been told that you'd make a good professional critic? You've an eye for detail and nuance. You could learn to do some great impressions. You're a pragmatic thinker and a problem solver.
VENUS in your chart -- your "Venusian" sensibilities: Venus in Scorpio INTENSE AFFINITY. NOTE: THIS POSITION REQUIRES EXTRA MAINTENANCE.Passion matters to you and your affairs can be an all-consuming experience. You're not satisfied with anything less than the total fulfillment of desire. When you do not receive gratification, your love can turn into hate.
MARS in your chart -- your "martial" self: Mars in Virgo HELPFUL MOTIVATIONS.Tidy is a word that may come to mind when thinking of you. You pay great attention to detail and exhibit emotional control. You can be calculating, critical and methodical. To make at least part of your life right you need an arena for excellence.
JUPITER in your chart -- your "jovial" character traits: Jupiter in Aries ASSERTIVE ENCOURAGEMENT.The more you become self-sufficient and learn to think for yourself, the easier your life will become. Opportunities for growth and expansion can be created through your natural enthusiasm. Assert yourself through adventure.
SATURN in your chart -- your "saturnian" self: Saturn in Aquarius FRIENDLY DECISIONS.Destiny has given you social responsibilities and problems to solve. Your growth is contingent upon a break from the past. New friendships and new associations bring new security. Accelerate the rate at which you network.
URANUS in your chart -- your "uraniuan" traits: Uranus in Sagittarius EXPANSIVE LIBERATION.It is important that you free yourself from restrictive attitudes. Some of your beliefs are unsettling. You get a 7-year itch to figure out your philosophy of life. You're restless and love your freedom. Follow the path to enlightenment. Be prepared to travel on a moment's notice.
NEPTUNE in your chart -- your "neptunian" side: Neptune in Cancer EMOTIONAL FANTASY. SENSES REVELATIONS.When it comes to home, family and country you're part of a generation that tends to be idealistic. Your religious beliefs are sentimental. If your very foundation seems uncertain, take another look at what makes you feel secure.
PLUTO in your chart -- your "plutonian" tendencies: Pluto in Gemini VERSATILE CLEANSING. TALK ABOUT TRANSFORMATIONS.Knowledge is your greatest power. Part of your job is to speak the unspeakable. Reorganization is the permanent condition of a vigorous mind. It is extremely important that you exert more conscious willpower over your own thoughts and speech.