Elements and Qualities: Fewer than two planets in Earth signs ABOUT GETTING GROUNDEDBecause of a certain restlessness and discontent, you're not the most practical person in the world. You may even be a bit spacey. In fact, sometimes you may wonder if you are of this world. Try using a to do list to your advantage. Train yourself to do important things with the force of habit. You may be disinterested in the mundane. As long as stability alludes you, so will a complete and happy life. TIP: Get the things of the earth into your home. Add some live plants to your environment. Fill your home with tile, pottery, wicker, ceramics, rocks and crystals. Spend more time in the present moment. Constantly remind yourself to "be here now". Eat more solid foods such as stews, soups, cooked grains and casseroles. Get more into your body. Treat yourself to regular professional massage. Find a sport or exercise regime that you can enjoy. Walk around in your bare feet in the cool dewy grass. Work to acquire a sense of steady rhythm and endurance.
Four or more planets in Air signs YOUR MIND IS YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET Your mind is your most valuable asset; you could be an intellectual. The world of ideas is important to you. Intellectual companionship, seminars, books, magazines, films, and educational cassettes interest you. Feeding your mind is just as important as feeding your body. School can be the place for you. TIP: In the words of Robert Anton Wilson, "You need to learn more about everything, including how to learn more." People fascinate you and you tend to regard them in a detached manner. Consequently you enjoy teamwork and social interactions more than most folk. Sentimentality does not figure highly in most of your relationships. You can excel in any field that requires negotiation skills. Sales and writing may be avenues of pursuit. You have an affinity for abstract reasoning, codes of law and ethics - you're very good at perceiving, comparing and communicating. You are much more objective than most people, and probably more liberal in your thinking. Your weakness is not foolishness so much as it is indecisiveness. Too much thinking can result in lost opportunities. There is a time to get out of your head and make a decision. If you find that you can't sleep because your mind is racing, get up and work with your ideas. Get ideas down on paper, onto index cards, into a word processing machine or up and out into the airwaves. Consider getting a brain machine and taking "smart drugs." Learn speed reading and typing. To avoid overstimulation, cut back on the use of artificial sweeteners and sugar. To the same end, you might take a mineral supplement and kelp tablets.
Five or more planets in Mutable signs YOU HAVE PLENTY OF INTERESTS You're more versatile than most people. You enjoy variety and become bored easily. You're pretty good at adapting to change and going with the flow. In fact, you'd rather go with the tide than against it. Put another way, you're accommodating and obliging. You can adjust. You're good at getting the word out- by phone, by pen or whatever. It's possible that you do six or seventeen dozen things at a time. You're certainly not suited for the Zen approach of one thing at a time; nevertheless, try and focus yourself more. Establish your top two priorities in each of several arenas of your life. TIP: You'll be happier as soon as you determine exactly what it is that you want.
SUN in your chart -- your "stellar" qualities: Sun in Sagittarius EXPANSIVE SELF-EXPRESSIONEssentially you're a good sport. The question is, "What's your game?" TIP: Aim high and roam free. When you are naturally enthusiastic, folks tend to like you. Cultivate your natural tolerance and you will be able to get along with many different types of people. You can get the power of positive thinking to work overtime. To do so, you must clarify your ideals and pursue your spirit of adventure. The ancients believed that turquoise could counter negative vibes and relieve melancholia for Sagittarians.
MOON in your chart -- your personal "lunar landscape": Moon in Sagittarius EXPANSIVE INSTINCTSMuch of your emotional life can be exuberant and adventurous. For the most part you're a good sport and like to have a good time. You're somewhat far seeing and wonderfully adaptable. Unless there are other indicators in your report, your mother did her own thing and left you your space. You could be of two minds. Sometimes you're preachy, other times you're naturally philosophical and open minded. Under stress you can make light of things. You can maintain a cheerful if somewhat abstract attitude, then you get restless and leave. You could be a natural for sales work. You like cheerful dates in restaurants that feature international cuisine. Humor, laughter and mirth turn you on. If you want to jump start a relationship, a visit to a comedy club could turn into a hot date. You could also enjoy running, skiing, bike riding and dancing. When you're mating you can be the king or queen of quickies. Open spaces, travel and education can be for you. You've idealistic, independent, have a roving eye and do not like to be tied down. When you are inspired, act decisively.
MERCURY in your chart -- your "mercurial" character: Mercury in Sagittarius EXPANSIVE CONCEPTS. NOTE: THIS POSITION REQUIRES EXTRA MAINTENANCE.Dry humor is one of your better characteristics. You're quick and bright and make your point. In bed you can be both vigorous and vocal. You're probably not afraid to ask your partner what turns them on.
VENUS in your chart -- your "Venusian" sensibilities: Venus in Scorpio INTENSE AFFINITY. NOTE: THIS POSITION REQUIRES EXTRA MAINTENANCE.Passion matters to you and your affairs can be an all-consuming experience. You're not satisfied with anything less than the total fulfillment of desire. When you do not receive gratification, your love can turn into hate.
MARS in your chart -- your "martial" self: Mars in Aquarius FRIENDLY MOTIVATIONS.You don't get angry so much as you experience emotional discord. Unpredictable actions follow. By conventional (boring) standards, you get kinky. The question isn't when or how, but do you have fun?
JUPITER in your chart -- your "jovial" character traits: Jupiter in Gemini VERSATILE ENCOURAGEMENT. NOTE: THIS POSITION REQUIRES EXTRA MAINTENANCE.A measure of versatility is yours. You're broad-minded enough to adapt to the ways of others. You alternate between skepticism and credulity. Learn to collect facts and information and use them to your advantage.
SATURN in your chart -- your "saturnian" self: Saturn in Aquarius FRIENDLY DECISIONS.Destiny has given you social responsibilities and problems to solve. Your growth is contingent upon a break from the past. New friendships and new associations bring new security. Accelerate the rate at which you network.
URANUS in your chart -- your "uraniuan" traits: Uranus in Capricorn DETERMINED LIBERATION.You're something of a constructive nonconformist. You get a seven-year itch to establish new traditions. It is important that you free yourself from restrictive responsibilities and corporate interests. You can succeed by combining hard work with innovation. You can challenge authority, society and the status quo.
NEPTUNE in your chart -- your "neptunian" side: Neptune in Cancer EMOTIONAL FANTASY. SENSES REVELATIONS.When it comes to home, family and country you're part of a generation that tends to be idealistic. Your religious beliefs are sentimental. If your very foundation seems uncertain, take another look at what makes you feel secure.
PLUTO in your chart -- your "plutonian" tendencies: Pluto in Gemini VERSATILE CLEANSING. TALK ABOUT TRANSFORMATIONS.Knowledge is your greatest power. Part of your job is to speak the unspeakable. Reorganization is the permanent condition of a vigorous mind. It is extremely important that you exert more conscious willpower over your own thoughts and speech.