Elements and Qualities: Four or more planets in Earth signs YOU COULD MANAGE A BUSINESSYou tend to be the practical sort: down to earth and concerned with material comfort and security. You favor "the real world." Inspirations, feelings and ideas don't mean so much to you as do practical applications, immediate ramifications and tangible results. Concrete facts are your thing. If you can't see it, smell it, hear it, feel it, taste it or touch it, you figure it isn't significant. Dreams and theoretical considerations might not mean much to you. Being pragmatic, you don't usually take chances with your time, money, energy or your feelings. You tend to be dependable, although folks in the fast lane may find you a bit conservative and dull. If you find that you're becoming bored or depressed, you should realize that your values are misplaced, and that your sense of security is false. If you're not happy, change your status quo and embrace the unknown. When paralyzed by fears and inhibitions, breathe deeply and move slowly and deliberately towards what you want. If you put your mind to it, you could cultivate your green thumb. Outward beauty is important to you. Working with your hands can pay off. You can shape the materials of the earth into sellable products. You're well suited to have your own business, provided that you've chosen it.
Five or more planets in Mutable signs YOU HAVE PLENTY OF INTERESTS You're more versatile than most people. You enjoy variety and become bored easily. You're pretty good at adapting to change and going with the flow. In fact, you'd rather go with the tide than against it. Put another way, you're accommodating and obliging. You can adjust. You're good at getting the word out- by phone, by pen or whatever. It's possible that you do six or seventeen dozen things at a time. You're certainly not suited for the Zen approach of one thing at a time; nevertheless, try and focus yourself more. Establish your top two priorities in each of several arenas of your life. TIP: You'll be happier as soon as you determine exactly what it is that you want.
Fewer than two planets in Fixed signs PERSISTENCE IS OMNIPOTENT "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." Learn to finish what you have begun.
SUN in your chart -- your "stellar" qualities: Sun in Cancer EMOTIONAL SELF-EXPRESSIONEssentially, you're a good person and you need to deal with some of your family and emotional issues. Your hugs are world class and your snuggles are second to none. You're naturally inclined to be touchy about some, but not all, of your relatives. Work on your family tree, try to make some sense of it all. You have your moods and they strongly resonate to at least 5 cycles. You have a synodic month (moon) cycle of 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.8 seconds or 29.5306 days, a Mentonic cycle of 19.61 years (named after Menton, the Greek astronomer), the saros (eclipse) cycle of 6585.23 days or 18 years, 11 days, a shorter cycle of approximately two and one half days, and a daily cycle of 6 hours 12 and 1/2 minutes. TIP: To make the most of these cycles, establish goals with corresponding deadlines.
You're not necessarily the most direct individual. Because you prefer to withdraw from trouble, you need to watch out for passive aggression. You can get yourself into hot water without knowing it. However, your security is something you're always aware of. Usually it's a top priority. You are definitely strong and protective of your turf. TIP: Find out more about the goddess religions of antiquity and of today.
MOON in your chart -- your personal "lunar landscape": Moon in Virgo HELPFUL INSTINCTSEmotionally you're not cold so much as you are thoughtful. Unless there are conflicting signals in other sections of your reading, you're probably not often accused of being too sentimental or gushy. When you're under stress you analyze. No doubt to this day there is something steadfast and meticulous about you. You can be a perfectionist. One way or another, you like to solve people's problems. TIP: Perfectionism and excellence are two sides of the same coin. One focuses on eliminating deficiencies. The other focuses on increasing quality. Learn to balance the two.
Add some green and brown to your wardrobe. Get a little kinky with food. Find new uses for chocolate sauce and licorice whips. Eat Ben and Jerry's ice cream off your lovers nipples. You're methodical and discriminating. You can be very fussy as well as practical. You have some natural business instincts. However, it is necessary for you to be some kind of a health nut. Find an exercise program that's right for you. Make regular visits to a health food grocery store. Invest in fresh organic fruits and veggies and food supplements.
MERCURY in your chart -- your "mercurial" character: Mercury in Cancer EMOTIONAL CONCEPTS.In your mind, thinking is colored by emotions. You're psychic, sensitive to other people's thoughts, and you've got a powerful imagination.
VENUS in your chart -- your "Venusian" sensibilities: Venus in Leo DRAMATIC AFFINITY.Social pleasures, games and entertainment matter to you. It is also important that you get regular supplies of loyalty, attention and devotion. You appreciate lavish parties, good times and romantic encounters in front of a warm fireplace.
MARS in your chart -- your "martial" self: Mars in Virgo HELPFUL MOTIVATIONS.Tidy is a word that may come to mind when thinking of you. You pay great attention to detail and exhibit emotional control. You can be calculating, critical and methodical. To make at least part of your life right you need an arena for excellence.
JUPITER in your chart -- your "jovial" character traits: Jupiter in Capricorn DETERMINED ENCOURAGEMENT. NOTE: THIS POSITION REQUIRES EXTRA MAINTENANCE.A sense of duty, some ambitions and natural business abilities are yours. To increase your success, increase your people skills. You know how to be expedient, now learn to loosen up. An extra measure of success comes through the implementation of 12-year plans.
SATURN in your chart -- your "saturnian" self: Saturn in Capricorn DETERMINED DECISIONS. NOTE: THIS POSITION CONFERS EXTRA POWER.Once you master the science of etiquette, a great position will be yours. Find tactful ways to release unwanted burdens and joyless responsibilities. To increase your financial earnings, pay more attention to scientific achievements.
URANUS in your chart -- your "uraniuan" traits: Uranus in Sagittarius EXPANSIVE LIBERATION.It is important that you free yourself from restrictive attitudes. Some of your beliefs are unsettling. You get a 7-year itch to figure out your philosophy of life. You're restless and love your freedom. Follow the path to enlightenment. Be prepared to travel on a moment's notice.
NEPTUNE in your chart -- your "neptunian" side: Neptune in Gemini VERSATILE FANTASY. TALK ABOUT REVELATIONS.When it comes to the world of communications you're part of a generation that tends to have a blind spot. TIPS: Write the affirmation "It's OK for me to speak up, speak out and say what's on my mind." 7 times a day for 7 weeks. For at least 5 minutes a day for 5 weeks, concentrate your mind exclusively on the meaning of "signals".
PLUTO in your chart -- your "plutonian" tendencies: Pluto in Gemini VERSATILE CLEANSING. TALK ABOUT TRANSFORMATIONS.Knowledge is your greatest power. Part of your job is to speak the unspeakable. Reorganization is the permanent condition of a vigorous mind. It is extremely important that you exert more conscious willpower over your own thoughts and speech.