Elements and Qualities: Fewer than two planets in Water signs ABOUT YOUR FEELINGSHave people said that you are out of touch with feelings? Do some folks have difficulty conveying their emotions to you? Do you tend to ignore, discount or deny sentiments? You strive to be emotionally self-sufficient or above it all. Yet, your emotional needs are stronger because they are unconsciously and habitually repressed. Work on compassion, empathy and emotional rapport. It is even possible that you don't have much past life experience as a human being on planet earth. In that case, as you age and mature you can become more sensitive to the feelings of this world. TIP: Water is a chief symbol for feelings. Bring the water element more into your life. Get a hot tub, water bed, fish tank, fountain, and pool. Live closer to a great body of water.
Lend an ear to someone who worked with feelings. Listen to Beethoven's 9th symphony.
Four or more planets in Earth signs YOU COULD MANAGE A BUSINESS You tend to be the practical sort: down to earth and concerned with material comfort and security. You favor "the real world." Inspirations, feelings and ideas don't mean so much to you as do practical applications, immediate ramifications and tangible results. Concrete facts are your thing. If you can't see it, smell it, hear it, feel it, taste it or touch it, you figure it isn't significant. Dreams and theoretical considerations might not mean much to you. Being pragmatic, you don't usually take chances with your time, money, energy or your feelings. You tend to be dependable, although folks in the fast lane may find you a bit conservative and dull. If you find that you're becoming bored or depressed, you should realize that your values are misplaced, and that your sense of security is false. If you're not happy, change your status quo and embrace the unknown. When paralyzed by fears and inhibitions, breathe deeply and move slowly and deliberately towards what you want. If you put your mind to it, you could cultivate your green thumb. Outward beauty is important to you. Working with your hands can pay off. You can shape the materials of the earth into sellable products. You're well suited to have your own business, provided that you've chosen it.
SUN in your chart -- your "stellar" qualities: Sun in Leo DRAMATIC SELF-EXPRESSION NOTE: THIS POSITION CONFERS EXTRA POWER.At the core, you're practically perfect. Published accounts in new age books say that you are perfect just the way you are. You're entitled to the Lion's share of fun, if you can roar with pride. Develop your willpower. Find creative ways to get yourself into the spotlight where you can shine. TIP: You are playing the game of life stakes higher than you may realize.
When compared to other people, you are more powerfully attuned to the power of the sun. Therefore, the other sections in this chapter are most crucial to your destiny. To increase your good luck, treat yourself to a most excellent piece of gold jewelry.
MOON in your chart -- your personal "lunar landscape": Moon in Capricorn DETERMINED INSTINCTS NOTE: THIS POSITION REQUIRES EXTRA MAINTENANCE.You like to maintain your dignity and keep your emotional life in check. Normally, you're somewhat cautious, shy and reserved. Under stress, you can get very cold and business like. Your critics may say that you have no feelings. Probably you got this way from your mom who was not the most huggy kissy person in the world. Let go of harsh self judgements. Focus on realistic self improvement projects. You can be uptight and rigid. You could benefit from professional body work, massage, chiropractic care and the lot. Pay more attention to your body and its basic animal needs. Respond more to your feelings. Take a calculated risk to find out who really loves you. Try a classical approach to love. The more clearly you can define your concept of fun, the more fun you will have. TIP: To enjoy success, you must first respect the rights of others.
You're pragmatic. You can work hard and obtain many of your ambitions. Money, power and status interest you, and you're responsible enough to get them. Discipline, patience and commitment will win the day for you. It's O.K. for you to reach the top spot.
MERCURY in your chart -- your "mercurial" character: Mercury in Virgo HELPFUL CONCEPTS.Have you been told that you'd make a good professional critic? You've an eye for detail and nuance. You could learn to do some great impressions. You're a pragmatic thinker and a problem solver.
VENUS in your chart -- your "Venusian" sensibilities: Venus in Virgo HELPFUL AFFINITY.Practical considerations matter to you. You're more cautious and not attracted to love the way that other people are. You're searching for perfect love. You appreciate good hygiene.
MARS in your chart -- your "martial" self: Mars in Leo DRAMATIC MOTIVATIONS.Perhaps you think you're the queen or the king and that justifies your temper. You get what you want with a dramatic and sometimes melodramatic flourish. You can go after success, recognition, attention and applause.
JUPITER in your chart -- your "jovial" character traits: Jupiter in Taurus ACQUISITIVE ENCOURAGEMENT.Prosperity and abundance are part of your natural philosophy. You like the nice things that money can buy. Perhaps sometimes you're overly self-indulgent and other times you're generous. Having the right values will insure your success.
SATURN in your chart -- your "saturnian" self: Saturn in Aquarius FRIENDLY DECISIONS.Destiny has given you social responsibilities and problems to solve. Your growth is contingent upon a break from the past. New friendships and new associations bring new security. Accelerate the rate at which you network.
URANUS in your chart -- your "uraniuan" traits: Uranus in Sagittarius EXPANSIVE LIBERATION.It is important that you free yourself from restrictive attitudes. Some of your beliefs are unsettling. You get a 7-year itch to figure out your philosophy of life. You're restless and love your freedom. Follow the path to enlightenment. Be prepared to travel on a moment's notice.
NEPTUNE in your chart -- your "neptunian" side: Neptune in Cancer EMOTIONAL FANTASY. SENSES REVELATIONS.When it comes to home, family and country you're part of a generation that tends to be idealistic. Your religious beliefs are sentimental. If your very foundation seems uncertain, take another look at what makes you feel secure.
PLUTO in your chart -- your "plutonian" tendencies: Pluto in Gemini VERSATILE CLEANSING. TALK ABOUT TRANSFORMATIONS.Knowledge is your greatest power. Part of your job is to speak the unspeakable. Reorganization is the permanent condition of a vigorous mind. It is extremely important that you exert more conscious willpower over your own thoughts and speech.