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Celebrity Horoscope for Ed Moses

Celebrity Astrology Profile
Ed Moses

Born August 31, 1955

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Elements and Qualities:

Fewer than two planets in Water signs

Have people said that you are out of touch with feelings? Do some folks have difficulty conveying their emotions to you? Do you tend to ignore, discount or deny sentiments?

You strive to be emotionally self-sufficient or above it all. Yet, your emotional needs are stronger because they are unconsciously and habitually repressed. Work on compassion, empathy and emotional rapport.

It is even possible that you don't have much past life experience as a human being on planet earth. In that case, as you age and mature you can become more sensitive to the feelings of this world.

TIP: Water is a chief symbol for feelings. Bring the water element more into your life. Get a hot tub, water bed, fish tank, fountain, and pool. Live closer to a great body of water.

Lend an ear to someone who worked with feelings. Listen to Beethoven's 9th symphony.

Four or more planets in Earth signs

You tend to be the practical sort: down to earth and concerned with material comfort and security. You favor "the real world." Inspirations, feelings and ideas don't mean so much to you as do practical applications, immediate ramifications and tangible results. Concrete facts are your thing. If you can't see it, smell it, hear it, feel it, taste it or touch it, you figure it isn't significant. Dreams and theoretical considerations might not mean much to you.

Being pragmatic, you don't usually take chances with your time, money, energy or your feelings. You tend to be dependable, although folks in the fast lane may find you a bit conservative and dull.

If you find that you're becoming bored or depressed, you should realize that your values are misplaced, and that your sense of security is false. If you're not happy, change your status quo and embrace the unknown. When paralyzed by fears and inhibitions, breathe deeply and move slowly and deliberately towards what you want.

If you put your mind to it, you could cultivate your green thumb. Outward beauty is important to you. Working with your hands can pay off. You can shape the materials of the earth into sellable products. You're well suited to have your own business, provided that you've chosen it.

Fewer than two planets in Cardinal signs

If you are what you do, what have you done for yourself lately? Give yourself permission to move ahead and take the next step.

Five or more planets in Fixed signs

More than likely, you're determined, purposeful and persistent. You could also be more introspective, strong-willed, slow and deliberate than most people. Before you act, you like to turn things over and over. Maybe you're more than a touch inflexible and stubborn. At any rate, you are not easily pushed, pulled or pressured. Once you've made up your mind, you stand your ground with firm conviction.

Once you make up your mind and are willing to pay the price, you usually get what you want. It may take time, and you may have to overcome obstacles, but that is no matter. If you are committed, you are a powerhouse. After you overcome inertia, you're persevering, steady and stable.

SUN in your chart -- your "stellar" qualities:

Sun in Virgo

How is it that people tend to associate perfectionism with you? Can it be that people think that you're essentially level- headed? Do you have a flair for statistics and analysis? Is it that you're highly selective and discriminating? What about your inquiries and examinations? Probably, you are more practical and methodical than the average person. You are not prone to brag or boast and can handle money well.

You can be cautious in matters of the heart. You like to do things for people and tend to be more of a giver than a taker. However, you do need to be thanked.

MOON in your chart -- your personal "lunar landscape":

Moon in Aquarius

Even though you're a very mental person, your emotional life can take some extreme turns. Your mind has a vast scope and you have a variety of big interests including progress, individualism, science, the future and the great unknown that lies ahead. Once you break the ice, you are an excellent conversationalist.

You tend to process emotional events in advance. When things happen, they already seem to be in the past. So, you may seem to be emotionally detached and aloof. You need space and can't stand to be suffocated. When you're under too much pressure, you become emotionally detached and erratic. Your feelings can freeze over both literally and figuratively. You can be cool. Your mother was probably not very nurturing, especially in the traditional sense.

To be yourself you need to become more tolerant, especially of emotions. If you're not happy and have been holding on to opinions, try letting go and warming up. You may fret over your emotional life for many, many moons, then suddenly, it will come together.

Be open to flashes of intuition. Perform some experiments. Embrace the unconventional. As you become more secure in your own personal freedom, you will become more secure in your relationships with others.

MERCURY in your chart -- your "mercurial" character:

Mercury in Virgo

Have you been told that you'd make a good professional critic? You've an eye for detail and nuance. You could learn to do some great impressions. You're a pragmatic thinker and a problem solver.

VENUS in your chart -- your "Venusian" sensibilities:

Venus in Virgo

Practical considerations matter to you. You're more cautious and not attracted to love the way that other people are. You're searching for perfect love. You appreciate good hygiene.

MARS in your chart -- your "martial" self:

Mars in Virgo

Tidy is a word that may come to mind when thinking of you. You pay great attention to detail and exhibit emotional control. You can be calculating, critical and methodical. To make at least part of your life right you need an arena for excellence.

JUPITER in your chart -- your "jovial" character traits:

Jupiter in Leo

Natural exuberance and openheartedness may win you some friends. Grand ambition and an appetite for special consideration color your life. You've a flair for pomp prestige and for overdoing things. Take more pride in your body and a sweet lover will give generously to you.

SATURN in your chart -- your "saturnian" self:

Saturn in Scorpio

You may not give people a "second chance". You have some stinging repartee and biting humor. Find the right focus for your intense energy and tremendous willpower. In time, any disciplined research you do will bring results.

URANUS in your chart -- your "uraniuan" traits:

Uranus in Leo

It is important that you free yourself from a restrictive romantic life. Enjoy some liberating artistic expressions. You get a 7-year itch to allow creative spirits to motivate and excite you. Unique fun and bizarre amusements are yours. Do others find your wardrobe unusual and unsettling?

NEPTUNE in your chart -- your "neptunian" side:

Neptune in Libra

It is probably a good idea for you to steer clear of people heavily involved with alcohol and religious fanaticism. For at least 5 minutes a day for 5 weeks focus your mind exclusively on the meanings of this statement, "All observation tends to be self observation."

PLUTO in your chart -- your "plutonian" tendencies:

Pluto in Leo

You're here to find yourself, be yourself and express yourself. The hell of it is that jealousy and power struggles are issues you must squarely face. Jealousy is not necessarily a trait of yours. However, you'll have to deal with the jealousy of your peers and in business.

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