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Celebrity Horoscope for Joe Simon

Celebrity Astrology Profile
Joe Simon

Born September 2, 1943

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Elements and Qualities:

Fewer than two planets in Water signs

Have people said that you are out of touch with feelings? Do some folks have difficulty conveying their emotions to you? Do you tend to ignore, discount or deny sentiments?

You strive to be emotionally self-sufficient or above it all. Yet, your emotional needs are stronger because they are unconsciously and habitually repressed. Work on compassion, empathy and emotional rapport.

It is even possible that you don't have much past life experience as a human being on planet earth. In that case, as you age and mature you can become more sensitive to the feelings of this world.

TIP: Water is a chief symbol for feelings. Bring the water element more into your life. Get a hot tub, water bed, fish tank, fountain, and pool. Live closer to a great body of water.

Lend an ear to someone who worked with feelings. Listen to Beethoven's 9th symphony.

Four or more planets in Air signs

Your mind is your most valuable asset; you could be an intellectual. The world of ideas is important to you. Intellectual companionship, seminars, books, magazines, films, and educational cassettes interest you. Feeding your mind is just as important as feeding your body. School can be the place for you.

TIP: In the words of Robert Anton Wilson, "You need to learn more about everything, including how to learn more."

People fascinate you and you tend to regard them in a detached manner. Consequently you enjoy teamwork and social interactions more than most folk. Sentimentality does not figure highly in most of your relationships.

You can excel in any field that requires negotiation skills. Sales and writing may be avenues of pursuit. You have an affinity for abstract reasoning, codes of law and ethics - you're very good at perceiving, comparing and communicating. You are much more objective than most people, and probably more liberal in your thinking.

Your weakness is not foolishness so much as it is indecisiveness. Too much thinking can result in lost opportunities. There is a time to get out of your head and make a decision. If you find that you can't sleep because your mind is racing, get up and work with your ideas. Get ideas down on paper, onto index cards, into a word processing machine or up and out into the airwaves.

Consider getting a brain machine and taking "smart drugs." Learn speed reading and typing. To avoid overstimulation, cut back on the use of artificial sweeteners and sugar. To the same end, you might take a mineral supplement and kelp tablets.

Five or more planets in Mutable signs

You're more versatile than most people. You enjoy variety and become bored easily. You're pretty good at adapting to change and going with the flow. In fact, you'd rather go with the tide than against it. Put another way, you're accommodating and obliging. You can adjust.

You're good at getting the word out- by phone, by pen or whatever.

It's possible that you do six or seventeen dozen things at a time. You're certainly not suited for the Zen approach of one thing at a time; nevertheless, try and focus yourself more. Establish your top two priorities in each of several arenas of your life.

TIP: You'll be happier as soon as you determine exactly what it is that you want.

SUN in your chart -- your "stellar" qualities:

Sun in Virgo

How is it that people tend to associate perfectionism with you? Can it be that people think that you're essentially level- headed? Do you have a flair for statistics and analysis? Is it that you're highly selective and discriminating? What about your inquiries and examinations? Probably, you are more practical and methodical than the average person. You are not prone to brag or boast and can handle money well.

You can be cautious in matters of the heart. You like to do things for people and tend to be more of a giver than a taker. However, you do need to be thanked.

MOON in your chart -- your personal "lunar landscape":

Moon in Libra

You're naturally tactful and diplomatic. You can see all points of view. You can see another person's point of view as well as your own self interest. Altogether, you prefer to deal with pleasant realities. When you're under too much emotional stress, you vacillate and procrastinate, especially when it has something to do with money. After all, you're adaptable and you want to do the right thing and be fair.

You respond to the spirit of fairness. You do some of your best work on a one on one basis. You could be a professional peace maker.

TIP: You need to find the right balance between your own needs and the needs of other people in your life.

You have a eye for beauty. There's something sophisticated, refined, graceful, polished and courteous about you. Grooming is important to you and your skin and hair are beautiful. You're naturally charming and an idea person. You're peace loving, except when provoked.

You see love as a 50 50 proposition, see your partners point of view and are willing to meet them half way. Be sure to meet them in front of a mirror, privately.

You need partnership, including mental compatibility. When your primary relationship is going well, you're most happy.

MERCURY in your chart -- your "mercurial" character:

Mercury in Libra

Social, rational and considerate describes your tone of voice. Arguments and raised voices are not your thing. You don't even like the inappropriate use of coarse language and dress.

VENUS in your chart -- your "Venusian" sensibilities:

Venus in Virgo

Practical considerations matter to you. You're more cautious and not attracted to love the way that other people are. You're searching for perfect love. You appreciate good hygiene.

MARS in your chart -- your "martial" self:

Mars in Gemini

You have plenty of intellectual energy and you go get what you want by speaking up, speaking out and saying what's on your mind. People with new ideas and new ways of thinking turn you on. Your voice is emotionally charged and can inspire others to action.

JUPITER in your chart -- your "jovial" character traits:

Jupiter in Leo

Natural exuberance and openheartedness may win you some friends. Grand ambition and an appetite for special consideration color your life. You've a flair for pomp prestige and for overdoing things. Take more pride in your body and a sweet lover will give generously to you.

SATURN in your chart -- your "saturnian" self:

Saturn in Gemini

It is your task to acquire some educational discipline. You can turn abstract ideas into practical reality. TIP: To advance and earn, study and learn. Follow the three-beat pattern: Take it in, assimilate it and disseminate it.

URANUS in your chart -- your "uraniuan" traits:

Uranus in Gemini

You get a 7-year itch to free yourself from limited and limiting forms of communication. You can find silence unsettling. When you're restless, which can be extreme and often, feed your head new and innovative information. It is likely that you experience some flashes of genius.

NEPTUNE in your chart -- your "neptunian" side:

Neptune in Libra

It is probably a good idea for you to steer clear of people heavily involved with alcohol and religious fanaticism. For at least 5 minutes a day for 5 weeks focus your mind exclusively on the meanings of this statement, "All observation tends to be self observation."

PLUTO in your chart -- your "plutonian" tendencies:

Pluto in Leo

You're here to find yourself, be yourself and express yourself. The hell of it is that jealousy and power struggles are issues you must squarely face. Jealousy is not necessarily a trait of yours. However, you'll have to deal with the jealousy of your peers and in business.

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