Elements and Qualities: Five or more planets in Fixed signs YOUR FORCE OF HABIT IS STRONGMore than likely, you're determined, purposeful and persistent. You could also be more introspective, strong-willed, slow and deliberate than most people. Before you act, you like to turn things over and over. Maybe you're more than a touch inflexible and stubborn. At any rate, you are not easily pushed, pulled or pressured. Once you've made up your mind, you stand your ground with firm conviction. Once you make up your mind and are willing to pay the price, you usually get what you want. It may take time, and you may have to overcome obstacles, but that is no matter. If you are committed, you are a powerhouse. After you overcome inertia, you're persevering, steady and stable.
SUN in your chart -- your "stellar" qualities: Sun in Pisces COMPASSIONATE SELF-EXPRESSIONThe Pisces sun sign is two fish, thus, essentially, there are two of you. One fish is more kind, loving, tolerant and long-suffering than most people. The other fish can bite with shark's teeth. You don't want to hurt people, unless you are feeling righteous and need to punish the guilty. It's fair to say that you're imaginative, a dreamer, and even mystical. You certainly seem to absorb and drink in your surroundings more than most people. You have your mood swings and can benefit from live music and dance. TIP: Break the chains of fate and destiny. The future can be for those who take it and those who make it. More than most people, you are a product of your beliefs as much as your disbeliefs. As Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right."
MOON in your chart -- your personal "lunar landscape": Moon in Leo DRAMATIC INSTINCTSYou're a tiny bit proud and perhaps a little bit stubborn. When you're under stress, you get dramatic. No matter what your class, there is something regal and aristocratic about you and your bearing. You are status conscious and hunger for prestige and social privilege. You want to be recognized as someone special. When you become confident, you will become an effective leader. You can get what you want by giving applause, admiration and appreciation. Any criticism or interference you run seems to come back on you multiplied. Your sincere complements get better results. TIP: Learn to fulfill a definite and specific purpose. At times you can be kind, childlike and open. Perhaps you indulge your penchant for monograms and jewelry. You have an instinct for leadership and the limelight. It would be good for you to be applauded regularly. Create new ways to make your job playful. You're enthusiastic and generous. In love you enjoy moments of risky and risque fun. For luck in love, burn gold candles. Buy a gold lamp to illuminate your love making. Your home can be a showplace for art and beauty. You can profit by catering to the public's need for entertainment. You want very much to be proud of your children.
MERCURY in your chart -- your "mercurial" character: Mercury in Aries ASSERTIVE CONCEPTS.In a flash, you can change your mind and your point of view. Direct, assertive and forceful communication is probably your style. You're impulsive, impatient, outspoken and tend to speak first and think later.
VENUS in your chart -- your "Venusian" sensibilities: Venus in Taurus ACQUISITIVE AFFINITY. NOTE: THIS POSITION CONFERS EXTRA POWER.Loyalty, consistency and faithfulness matter to you. You appreciate people, places and things that are solid and dependable. You have a taste for luxury and posh surroundings.
MARS in your chart -- your "martial" self: Mars in Scorpio INTENSE MOTIVATIONS.Deep emotions and strong desires are yours. You spare no effort to deeply probe many secrets. Your sex life is the best, or the worst. Having sex with you can be heavenly or hellish. You're hot stuff, volcanic actually.
JUPITER in your chart -- your "jovial" character traits: Jupiter in Taurus ACQUISITIVE ENCOURAGEMENT.Prosperity and abundance are part of your natural philosophy. You like the nice things that money can buy. Perhaps sometimes you're overly self-indulgent and other times you're generous. Having the right values will insure your success.
SATURN in your chart -- your "saturnian" self: Saturn in Aquarius FRIENDLY DECISIONS.Destiny has given you social responsibilities and problems to solve. Your growth is contingent upon a break from the past. New friendships and new associations bring new security. Accelerate the rate at which you network.
URANUS in your chart -- your "uraniuan" traits: Uranus in Capricorn DETERMINED LIBERATION.You're something of a constructive nonconformist. You get a seven-year itch to establish new traditions. It is important that you free yourself from restrictive responsibilities and corporate interests. You can succeed by combining hard work with innovation. You can challenge authority, society and the status quo.
NEPTUNE in your chart -- your "neptunian" side: Neptune in Cancer EMOTIONAL FANTASY. SENSES REVELATIONS.When it comes to home, family and country you're part of a generation that tends to be idealistic. Your religious beliefs are sentimental. If your very foundation seems uncertain, take another look at what makes you feel secure.
PLUTO in your chart -- your "plutonian" tendencies: Pluto in Gemini VERSATILE CLEANSING. TALK ABOUT TRANSFORMATIONS.Knowledge is your greatest power. Part of your job is to speak the unspeakable. Reorganization is the permanent condition of a vigorous mind. It is extremely important that you exert more conscious willpower over your own thoughts and speech.